Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thank YOU!

We would like to take a moment to thank everyone that has supported us in our adoption. We are so blessed to have friends and family like you. Whether you have supported us with donations, prayers, thoughts, blog/facebook posts, or spreading the word about these kids that need families. We appreciate all you do, and we are so excited to tell Melissa about everyone that has helped bring her home. Donations to our FSP (on the right) are now up to $625 as of tonight. We are amazed and humbled at the donations that are continually coming in. Thank YOU! Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and also the 143,000,000+ orphans in the world. It's a truly disturbing number, but we can all help make one less.

Don't worry we also have an update for you! We received the last of our forms back from being apostilled. Now we are triple checking them, kissing the envelope, and sending them 5,700+ miles away hopefully on Monday. Then we wait for our travel date. We are so close!

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